Friday, April 22, 2005

Ministry of Waiting

I just received this from my friend Judy Miller, who serves as business facilitator for the Baptist mission in Benin, just next door to Togo. I thought it was an honest and realistic look at missionary life.

This week I thought of you as I sat waiting in our local bank. Waiting, waiting, waiting. I was there trying to cash 2 checks. Ahhhhh my grandiose dreams as a new missionary….expecting great things of God, attempting great things for God, Carey, Taylor, Moon now they got a lot done for the Lord. Waiting, waiting........

I strike up conversations with all the new employees in that back section of the bank; fresh out of the local university trying very hard to impress their colleagues and the occasional client who gets back here to the holy of holies. They eventually let their guard down and laugh at this white woman that attempts to speak their language. I always ask what village folks are from because I know a good bit of the geography here in the south. Opportunities present themselves to share about my work and my Savior.

After about 4 hours of waiting and 2 trips to a very busy downtown just to cash 2 checks the Lord whispers to me, it’s all in the waiting. These employees watch how I react to unpleasant circumstances of being made to wait an outrageous amount of time and how our business was being handled. While I like to report that every minute I was there glorified the Lord, I’m sure the reality is my impatience came through. I did have a chance to share and even return with daily devotionals for these reading material starved educated young people. Pray that the Lord would indeed be glorified in my ministry of waiting.

Join me in praying for Benin’s neighbor, Togo. They are scheduled to have an election on Sunday. Suffice it to say there has been lots of protest and antics which could easily lead to violence over the weekend. Pray that the Lord will guard His children during all these events. Pray for PEACE. Pray that our missionaries will be safe and protected from any unrest.


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