Monday, April 11, 2005

The Parable of the Missing Plane Tickets

Behold, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man who lost his plane tickets. Having received the tickets two weeks before, the man went on a far journey and straightway forgot where he had put the tickets. When he returned home, he was exceedingly vexed in spirit because he could not find his tickets. Searching as would a widow for a lost coin, he and his faithful spouse searched every room, every drawer, every stack of papers in the house, but the elusive tickets were not to be found. They sought the help of the Almighty in their search and retired to a good night’s rest, yet without the plane tickets in hand.

The following day, their search continued, but to no avail. Emails were dispatched, soliciting others to join in prayers that the missing tickets be found. And then a phone call came – a phone call from the very friend who delivered the plane tickets. A friend who had never before placed a phone call to this distant land; a friend who was able to stir up the man’s recollection, until he remembered one place where he had not yet searched. While he was yet on the phone, his loyal wife sought the tickets in a suitcase and lo, they were there.

And how shall we compare the kingdom of heaven to this search? It is the dedicated search for something valuable, and we are reminded of the value of each person to God. How he searches for each one of us, and calls us who are found to join him in that search for the lost ones. It reminds us that no search is successful without God, for this search could not have been successful without him. It reminds us that the search for lost people, must involve more than one searcher. Most who are found, respond to multiple invitations from multiple people. It reminds us, finally, that worry profits little, but trust in God and diligence in the search will yield their reward.


At 8:33 AM CST, Blogger Greg said...

I like it when we get bold enough to write our own "scripture" - although I know that sounds heretical.

Great parable - with a good lectio-like way of finding God in the event.

At 10:01 AM CST, Blogger Steve said...

I once had an unsuccessful search for a lost wedding band. That was a parable of grace!


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