Monday, November 20, 2006

Beatitudes for Our Time

These beatitudes come from Darryl Tippens’ excellent book, Pilgrim Heart:

  1. Happy are those who serve the world by abandoning it for a little while.
  2. Happy are those who rest, for they will get their work done.
  3. Happy are the playful, for they will be serious achievers.
  4. Happy are the imperfectionists, for they will achieve much.
  5. Happy are those who drive in the slow lane, for they will arrive in peace (or in one piece).
  6. Blessed are those who build walls for they will be fully connected.
  7. Happy are those who say "No," for they will be affirmed.
  8. Blessed are those who know the tie that binds, for they will know the freedom of belonging.


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