Friday, October 20, 2006

T is for ....

T is for THANKS for all of you who have been so faithful in praying for and encouraging us during this reentry process.  It ain’t over yet, so please keep up your prayers.  This week, however, we reached a significant milestone in our process of settling into life in America.

For a few weeks now, we’ve had a pretty good idea that God was leading us to a “T” state – we had one ministry opportunity in Texas and another possibility in Tennessee—both of which were good and where  we feel that God could use us.

This week we made the decision that for us, T is for …


We have accepted an invitation to minister with the Church of Christ in Albany—the best little small town in Texas.  Click here to read more about this town of 2,000, located about 35 miles from the greater metropolitan area of Abilene.  In addition to its proximity to ACU, the town has plenty of bragging rights (which I understand are pretty important in Texas) of its own—including two live theaters, an internationally renowned art museum, an annual “Fandangle” that draws crowds from all over and involves the whole town, exemplary-rated schools, the best steak house in West Texas, and just some great people (you don’t move to West Texas for the scenery).  The church there has made us already feel so welcome.  We are excited about serving Jesus alongside out brothers and sisters there.  We will also be able to stay in touch with our West Africa roots—Andy & Rhonda Wilson and their boys are in town, and the Hollands, McVeys, and Baileys are all nearby (“near” being relative to the size of Texas).

We are looking at moving soon after Thanksgiving, with maybe a trip out there in a couple of weeks to look at housing.  There are tons of details to be worked out, but God has been so faithful through so many details of this whole transition, that he has built my faith to the point that I’m not feeling the stress—at least not too much—yet.


At 2:17 PM CST, Blogger Bill Williams said...

Congratulations, Anthony! You don't know me but we are fellow-contributors at Grace Notes. Also, in years gone by my family took an early spring fishing trip to Hubbard Creek Reservoir. Have seen some mighty big cat fish taken from that lake. I pray that your move goes well and you are wonderfully blessed in your new work.

At 3:42 PM CST, Blogger AbbieCRAZY said...

Whoo Hoooo! West Texas is great! Just look out at that sky! About 3 months after being here I was waxing eloquent about the beautiful sky and Abbie told me it was just a sky. It isn't just a sky....

So are your kids gonna be in Fandangle? Are yall?

At 12:14 PM CST, Blogger Sandi said...

We've been waiting to hear where you guys were going to end up! I'm happy for you that you've found a place to call home. What a blessing to be near so many WA buddies, too -- I'm officially jealous. :) We'll have to come visit all of you.

At 10:01 AM CST, Blogger Greg Bailey said...

Hey Anthony and Maureen,

We are so excited for you!! We are equally excited for us!! It will almost be like the Azove/Bohicon days. Does this mean that we will all meet for Sunday evening worship? Sounds great to me!! Blessings to you as you start this new chapter of your lives!

At 5:41 PM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Seriously, congratulations on your decision. You'll be a great addition to the church in Albany. Thanks for at least considering the NW-- it was a blessing to see you.

Love you.

At 2:27 PM CST, Blogger Chris Chappotin said...

No fair! Tell the Wilsons we said "hello." Oh, and congratulations, too!

At 3:20 PM CST, Blogger Kelly Vaughn said...

Anthony, this is such great news. I have been out of the loop and just had a chance to read your blog. I sure appreciate all of the re-entry information that you posted as well!
So excited about you all being in won't be long and we will be close too. My parents have a ranch in Baird which I think is about 45 minutes from Albany...soon maybe we can join all the WA alum for Sunday night worship!
Kelly Vaughn

At 9:56 PM CST, Blogger Kelly Vaughn said...

Hey Parkers, Randy here! So thrilled for y'all! (by the way, drop any "you guys" references and replace it with "y'all"...or you'll never fit in!...and it's "y'all" not "ya'll") I certainly would never had imagined it, but the Lord is so beyond my thinking...He knows EXACTLY how you will advance the Kingdom and fortify the Body there in Albany. I think you can see that you'll have a slew of visitors (and no we won't come to heckle!) Praise the Lord!!!
-Randy V


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