A Place to Call Home / Schooling Decisions
This morning I woke up and realized that, for the first time since we moved out of our house and into the Crowsons’ back in April, I was waking up in my own home. Not my “own” in terms of home ownership, mind you, but not some hotel or someone else’s place. We’ve been living out of suitcases for over three months, and it is great to be able to start to unpack. We are in an apartment complex called the “Arboretum” (I still don’t know whether the accent goes on the “bor” or the “e”) in Vestavia Hills. I just discovered that I can access the office’s wireless internet connection from our patio, hence this post. We are not so hard up that we can’t afford a phone line or cable, but I don’t want to bother with six-month minimum contracts when I don’t expect to be here that long. I’m actually praying that we are not here very long, but for the time being, it’s great to have a place to call home.
Folks here in Birmingham have been very generous in giving and loaning us furniture to use while most of our things are still in storage in Texas. The one thing we have bought was a sofa that we found at a great price at the Lay-Z-Boy clearance sale. My brother-in-law predicted that I would regret not paying the $80 delivery charge. He, my nephews, and I, brought it to the apartment yesterday in his pickup truck. We had quite a time getting it up the bank that leads from the parking lot to our ground-floor apartment, then through the breezeway, and around through the patio door. There were moments that I did regret not having it delivered. But, to tell the truth, now that it’s done, I’m glad the $80 is still in my pocket.
Help us out with a decision that needs to be made quickly. We have been planning to homeschool Jeremy at least for this fall. The main reason is that we hope to have a long-term job soon, which will mean moving, and we didn’t want to disrupt his life even further by getting him into a school and then transferring out and into another one in a short period of time. We also have some traveling we still need to do this fall, and want to do as a family, so we can have more flexibility. Another minor complication is that we only have one car so I would have to arrange my daily schedule around his school hours. Unless we could work out a ride, it would be out of the question for me to take the car out of town during a school week, since there is no local school bus.
However, we have discovered that our apartment is in one of the best public school districts in Alabama and there is a wonderful K-3 school near us. Jeremy is very social and will do better in academics if he is around other kids. Also, neither Maureen or I have education experience, though home school material is pretty well laid out. And what do we do with Jonathan while Jeremy is in school?
Here’s your chance to weigh in on our schooling dilemma. Do we stick with the homeschool plan, or find a way to make the public schooling work? What do you think?
Oh, I lost my wireless connection, but now, a few hours later after writing the above, it appears to be back.
I always hesitate to weigh in on other people's decisions for their family, but you did ask for input. Probably not mine, specifically, but I always enjoy looking at all sides of things! It sounds like the public school, itself, will be a good deal for your family. I guess it all boils down to the transportation issue. Perhaps that could be your fleece -- if you meet a family that would help you get him to school occasionally, it would appear that is the way to go?
Not that this is helping, but I also wouldn't worry about your educational background in homeschooling. You both seem like reasonably intelligent people, and I think that is all that is required to homeschool (but I confess that I do have an educational background AND have never homeschooled, so I am a completely uninformed contributor).
I don't know that I've said much of anything other than to make your decision prayerfully (as I know you are) and see where the Lord leads you!
I am praying for your wisdom as you make this decision. I remember moving when Grace was in Kindergarden and how we agonized over the move. We went had already enrolled her and she was excited to be going so there was no question what we would do when I got my new job. Clear communication with old and new teachers allowed the transition to go well.
Vestavia does have good schools.
I'm finding that asking people's opinions usually ends up making you more confused than you were in the first place (e.g. the book cover poll). While we home school and LOVE it, it is not for everyone. If you're looking for flexibility, home school is a great way to go and not have to worry about transportation or missing days. Social time is plentiful if you plug into the home school community. And curriculum are pretty easy to follow.
BUT.. if you're going to be stressed and frustrated and impatient, send the boy to school. You know your temperaments. You know how Jeremy is with you better than anyone. Let him learn in the place where he is most likely to LOVE learning.
My 2 cents, for what it's worth.
If this was our situation, and it very well could be this time next year, we would place Tori in a public school. She too, thrives in an environment with other kids. The transportation issue definitely sounds difficult but I would trust that the Lord is going to work out that detail along with every other detail. You are definitely capable of doing homeschool...I have been doing it for 2 years now and about to start my third year. I have loved the quality time with Tori and she and I have learned so much together...BUT...we have had no other option....She and I both are looking very forward to a public or private school experience for third grade. We will be praying for your decision and expecting that the Lord will give you peace quickly one way or another.
Love and Blessings,
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